Terms and Conditions

LA LIGAPP, through its owner LA LIGAPP SpA (hereinafter both "Ligapp"), is an application that allows its users, whether teams, individual players, and organizers of leagues (as defined below as "Participants"), to promote and/or manage their leagues and/or sporting events of multiple sports and specialties, registration of teams and sports clubs for their participation in such leagues and/or events, scheduling and generation of match statistics and player performance, and other functionalities that will eventually be incorporated into Ligapp ("Functionalities").

The use of Ligapp by users will be subject to prior registration on the platform, which includes the application for mobile and electronic devices, and the website, and under the terms and conditions set forth in this document, which are understood to be accepted by the act of registration.


Subject to compliance with these Conditions, Ligapp grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, revocable, non-transferable license to : (i) access and use of the platform and future applications on your personal device only in connection with your use thereof; and (ii) access and use of any content, information, and material related that may be made available through the platform, subject to the user profile or participant stipulated. Ligapp and its licensors reserve any rights not expressly granted herein.


To participate in Ligapp, users must register in advance on the platform by creating a user account. The account can only be created by users who are over 18 years of age, under 18 years of age with authorization from their legal representative, associations of persons over 18 years of age, and legal entities. Both registration and the operation of the platform require users to provide information that is complete, truthful, and reliable through a form that will be made available to users. It will be the sole responsibility of users to ensure that what is provided in this paragraph is fully complied with.

The information requested by the platform for registration, which is considered by law as personal data (such as names, surnames, address, national identification card or R.U.T., photographs, etc.), will be subject to collection, processing, and use for the following purposes : a) Use of the platform by the user; b) For the improvement of the platform through consultation with users, by any means of communication, about their satisfaction and opinions regarding the platform; c) For verification of the background provided by them in the registration process; d) Generation of general usage statistics with possible indication of a particular user and everything stipulated in this document.

By registering on the platform, users will be presumed not only to fully accept these terms and conditions, but also to expressly accept, consent to, and authorize Ligapp to collect, process, and use their personal data for the purposes indicated above.

Finally, registration may be carried out by users provided that their quality as a Participant has not been revoked or invalidated in accordance with the rules of this document.

In that sense, a Participant is understood to be any user of the platform who is a natural person in his/her capacity as league administrator, captain, player or other type of user, as well as the association or natural or legal persons in their capacity as a football team or club as well as organizer or league administrator, captain, player or other type of user.

2. USE. -

Users agree that the use of Ligapp is at their own risk. The platform is provided "as is" and "as available," without prejudice to future updates to the platform and the functionalities that may be available to users according to their profile. Consequently, Ligapp, its owner La Ligapp SpA and its shareholders, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners, and licensors do not provide any warranties of any kind regarding the platform, such as its operation, interaction with other users, the quality of the information contained therein, among others.

The Platform will provide its users with a channel for complaints about abuse, rude and inappropriate behavior, libelous, discriminatory, and in general, acts contrary to law, morality, and/or good customs. Likewise, the Platform will have a mechanism for rating reputation and quality of the products and services offered among its users.

Once registered on the platform, users must "log in" according to the credentials stipulated, provided during the registration process on the platform. Subsequently, they will be able to access the different functionalities that, according to their profile, will be assigned for the purpose of interacting with other users, consulting information, etc.


It is strictly prohibited for users of the platform:

a. Provide information that is false or unreliable, for registration and use of the platform, as well as acts of impersonation of users or third parties.

b. Use the platform to demand, offer, or promote products or services that are contrary to law, morality, and/or good customs.

c. Make comments, opinions, and/or evaluations that are rude, contrary to law, morality, and/or good customs.

d. Use of the platform for sending mass advertising or "spam" to users, as well as engaging in acts against the platform or other users, such as hacking, password theft, bypassing effective protection measures, and any other act that is contrary to law, morality, and/or good customs.

e. Any act that may constitute an infringement of the intellectual property rights of other users or third parties.

Ligapp may deactivate accounts registered on the platform or restrict access to them for users who engage in any of the aforementioned prohibitions or fail to comply with any of the provisions established in these terms and conditions of use, either at its sole discretion, upon reasoned request from other users or from any judicial or administrative authority.


Ligapp's activity consists mainly of creating a space for Participants to interact with each other, using the Features indicated above. In this sense, Ligapp does not provide services for the organization of sports events but simply provides users with a tool that will be used directly by them at their own risk. Consequently, it will not be the responsibility of Ligapp or its owner La Ligapp SpA:

a. Compliance with obligations between Users. -

Ligapp does not offer services for the organization of sports events; therefore, it assumes no responsibility for the quality and terms of those services offered between Users.

b. The use and information provided by users. -

The use, content, and/or information that users make, deliver, or publish on the platform, which is false or unreliable, for any illegal, fraudulent purpose, or to impersonate any person or entity, as well as any other use contrary to law, morality, and/or good customs. Ligapp shall not be responsible for verifying the veracity of the information provided by users or monitoring their interaction on the Platform. Each user is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided during the registration process on the Platform, without prejudice to Ligapp being authorized, having the right, and being able to establish verification measures for the identity of its users.

c. Quality of products and/or services offered and compliance with contractual and legal obligations. -

The quality of the products and/or services offered by Participants who hold the status of organizers of leagues and/or sports events and their lack of certification (when necessary), compliance with contractual obligations entered into by users, who are offerors and demanders of products and/or services of sports events, compliance by service providers with the obligations established in consumer laws, and the damages that may be caused to users by such non-compliance or the poor quality of the contracted services shall be the sole responsibility of each user, as well as the use they make of the platform, the interaction with other users, the comments and opinions they may make on the Platform, and the selection and compliance (or non-compliance) with the services offered or demanded.

d. Errors, interruptions, loss of information, and hacker attacks on the platform.

Ligapp shall not be liable for the existence of computer viruses, information interference, or hacker attacks on the platform or on the interaction and communications between users. Ligapp shall not be liable for any damages caused by the aforementioned failures, viruses, or attacks, even if Ligapp has been notified of their possible existence. This is without prejudice to the security measures that Ligapp implements to address and prevent such computer viruses, information interference, and hacker attacks, in accordance with acceptable standards of cybersecurity.

e. Adoption of security measures by users for their access passwords to the platform.

The adoption of protection, confidentiality, and security measures that allow users to keep their access passwords to the platform confidential and secure from unauthorized third parties, as well as access to and navigation on it. Ligapp shall not be liable for any damages caused by the aforementioned lack of protection, confidentiality, and security by users, which may involve illegal, fraudulent, or impersonation acts of any person or entity. This is without prejudice to the security measures that Ligapp may implement to secure user connections and access to the platform, such as encryptions or access logs associated with IP numbers.

Users shall indemnify Ligapp against any action, demand, lawsuit, expense (including costs and legal fees), loss, and damage that Ligapp may have suffered or incurred from other users or third parties as a result of acts consisting of non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions of Use, non-compliance with the obligations associated with the services of sports events offered, content or elements sent, published, or transmitted through the platform, and any other that is the exclusive responsibility of the user.


The intellectual property rights regarding the platform, trademarks, and in general, the information contained in the platform and its website, are the exclusive property of Ligapp or the third parties holding these rights, as applicable. The registration and use of the platform by users do not imply a transfer of the intellectual property rights of Ligapp or any third party.


This section aims to describe the collection, processing, and use of user data as a result of using the platform. By accessing or using the platform in any way, it is understood that the user expressly accepts and consents to the following provisions on data protection and privacy.

Likewise, users acknowledge that their entry, as well as the collection and processing of personal information carried out by Ligapp, are voluntarily accepted and authorized by the users; expressly understanding and accepting that the information will be part of a file and/or database, which may be used in the terms established herein. Also, by completing the registration form, the user agrees that the information provided will be incorporated into Ligapp's databases and its subsidiaries, affiliates, or parent company, and authorizes its use as described.

In the event that the user communicates personal data of third parties, the user declares and guarantees to have obtained free, prior, informed, express, and written consent to collect, process, and use personal information or data, without prejudice to the provisions of Law 19.628, on the protection of privacy.

a. What type of information is collected and processed?

All personal information provided by the user through the platform, including their name, telephone number, email, photographs, as well as the user's personal preferences and any other provided information that can physically and personally identify the user, and information associated with the device through which the platform is used, including its geolocation and that collected through the use of cookies or other analytical tools.

In essence, the content, communications, and other data provided by the user when using the platform are collected. For example, when the user registers to create an account, creates or shares content, and sends messages to other people. This may include information in the content, or about it, provided (such as metadata), for example, the location of a photo or the creation date of a file.

Additionally, information is collected about how the platform is used, the types of content the user views or interacts with, the features that are used, the actions that are taken, the people or accounts with whom the user interacts, and the time, frequency, and duration of the user's activities. For example, it is recorded when the user is using and when they last used the platform, and what posts, videos, and other types of content the user has viewed on the platform.

The user can reject certain types of information use, either by not providing the information in the first place or by opting out later. They can also disable cookies to prevent their browser from providing information, which could mean that certain features of the platform may not work correctly.

b. How is the collected information used?

The information will be used for the operation of the platform and to enhance the user experience on it, better adapting its features and performance, personalizing the user experience in its use, or simply for statistical purposes. The data may also be used to fulfill legal or contractual obligations contracted with the user; and to provide additional information to users, such as platform promotions and those of Ligapp's partners, advertisers, and third-party organizations offering products and/or sports, health, food, transportation services, among others, for the delivery of promotional information and discounts.

Also, the information may be used for communications between Ligapp and users, for purposes such as notifications and the delivery of information related to the platform. The user may request at any time not to receive further communications sent by Ligapp, for which the mechanism to unsubscribe will be provided.

c. How is the information shared?

The collected information may be shared with third parties to fulfill the purposes stated in this section, as well as for the use of the platform. The collected and processed information may be shared with Ligapp's affiliates, subsidiaries, or parent company and companies. Additionally, personal information may be communicated to third parties (under strict confidentiality and safeguarding conditions) in order to provide some of the services and features available on the platform, and to enable smooth communication between Ligapp and users.

The information may be shared with partners, advertisers, and third-party companies offering products and/or services related to sports, health, food, transportation, among others, for the delivery of promotional and/or discount information.

The user authorizes the sharing of their personal information when necessary to comply with a legal or judicial mandate, including the protection and defense of their rights, or those of third parties.

d. Responsibilities regarding the information.

Ligapp is not responsible for any consequences arising from the unauthorized access of third parties to the database and/or from any technical failure in the operation and/or conservation of data in the Internet site system or its other electronic channels.

Ligapp will take all technical and security measures within its reach to prevent loss, theft, alteration, unauthorized access, and/or misuse of data. Ligapp will make its best efforts to ensure the security of information according to cybersecurity standards, however, since technical security measures are not infallible, Ligapp will not be liable in the event that these security measures fail.

Ligapp may use, publish, reproduce, disclose, publicly communicate, and transmit any other information that does not qualify as personal data.

The User may exercise, when applicable, the rights recognized by current legislation, namely, the right of access, rectification, cancellation, and opposition regarding their personal data. To exercise these rights, we have enabled the email address support@laligapp.com. The removal of information from databases will result in the loss of benefits derived from registration.


Ligapp may modify these terms and conditions at any time, establishing additional provisions regarding the Platform. Such modifications or additions will be notified to the user, who must accept them to continue using the platform, and will be fully incorporated into these terms and conditions. The continued use of the platform will signify acceptance of any modifications to these terms. In case the modifications are not accepted by the user, they must cease using the platform.


For all legal purposes of these terms and conditions, the applicable law shall be Chilean law, with the city and district of Santiago de Chile being designated as the domicile and the parties, namely Ligapp and the users, submitting to the jurisdiction of its Ordinary Courts of Justice.

All notifications from Ligapp to its users regarding these terms and conditions will be made via email to the email address registered in the user's account or through the publication of a message on the Platform. Notifications will take effect immediately unless Ligapp indicates otherwise.